PhD in Infrastructure Futures & Theory, University of Sheffield, 2013-18
MA Creative Writing (Merit), Middlesex University, 2011-12
Research appointments:
- Project researcher, K3, Malmö University (September 2022—June 2023)
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Dept. of Political Science, Lund University. (October 2020—September 2022)
- Postdoctoral Researcher, Dept. of Political Science, Lund University. (October 2018—September 2020)
Research interests:
- Metasystemic infrastructure; sustainability transitions, practice theory, Actor-Network Theory
- Transitions design, design fiction, narrative prototyping; disruptive research communications paradigms
- Social theory, theories of sociotechnical change
- Science fiction studies, critical theory, narratology, modal genre theory
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (2019; grant #895807): “The Rough Guide to Zero-Carbon Skåne: worldbuilding, placemaking and prototyping decarbonised lifestyles”
- FORMAS project grant (Sweden, 2019, grant #01990): “The Rough Guide to Zero-Carbon Skåne: Making visions of post-fossil transitions meaningful through narrative prototyping”
Click through to subsections for further details on:
Research experience
Academic publications
Practitioner papers, articles, essays, other publications
Keynotes, invited talks and other appearances
- Institute for Atemporal Studies (associate; Jorge Luis Borges Memorial Chair in Infrastructural Psychogeography)