- Invited speaker: “The limit(ation)s of literacy: meandering toward a (trans)media ecology of futures“; Futures Brought to Life symposium, University of Applied Arts Vienna, Austria, 12-14 May 2022
- Co-presenter: “Utopia’s in the making: the power(s) of participatory post-fossil futuring”; Collaborative Future-making Platform seminar, Malmö University, Sweden, 28/9/2021 (virtual event)
- Co-presenter: “A Museum of Carbon Ruins? Ethical and political challenges in historicising an unevenly distributed decarbonisation”; The 2051 Munich Climate Conference, 18-19/9/2021, Munich, Germany
- Experimental session convener: “Hands on with the Rough Guide: making post-fossil imaginaries meaningful through narrative prototyping”; STREAMS Environmental Humanities conference, KTH, Sweden, 4/7/2021 (virtual event)
- Guest lecturer / facilitator: Degrowth and Environmental Justice Summer School, Institute of Environmental Science and Technology of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (ICTA-UAB), 30/06/2021
- Invited speaker: “Practices, politics, prestidigitation: exploring the infrastructural Big Dumb Object with tools from (science) fiction”; INFRA+ virtual seminar series, April-July 2021, Manchester University, UK
- Guest speaker/interviewee: “Nine Notions of the Metasystemic”; Luma Days #4, Arles, France (virtual event)
- Guest speaker: “Cognitive bridges: infrastructure fiction vs. investor storytime, and other forms of narrative prototyping for adapting to the Anthropocene”; Primer, Copenhagen, 25/9/2019
- Guest lecturer / facilitator: Degrowth and Environmental Justice Summer School, Institute of Environmental Science and Technology of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (ICTA-UAB), 24/06-05/07/2019
- Speaker: “Prestidigitation, habituation, effacement: how infrastructure came to hide itself”; Beneath the city streets: urban infrastructure and its invisibility, Sheffield Hallam University, 21/3/18
- Speaker: “How does the rabbit end up in the hat? (Or: what transhumanism doesn’t want you to know about infrastructure.), Zuendfunk Net-Conference, Munich, Germany, 13-14/10/17 [video] [audio]
- Panel convener (with Dr A. Krzywoszynska): “Where’s My Jetpack? Making and breaking promises in (public) technoscience and science fiction”, Science in Public 2017, Sheffield UK, 10-12/7/17
- Guest lecturer: Speculative & Critical Design Summer School, London College of Communications, 5/7/2016 [video]
- Participant: Decarbonized Futures: Narrating Low Carbon Societies, Lorentz Centre, Leiden NL, 6-10/6/2016
- Panellist: Land & Water 2015, Brown University, Providence RI, USA, 4-5/9/2015
- Panellist: Tomorrow Today: Design, Fiction and Social Responsibility, ICA, London, 11/6/2015
- Keynote speaker: City Infrastucture Lab, FutureEverything, Manchester, 4/6/2015
- Panellist: (Dis)Assembling #STACKTIVISM – a salon; Goethe Institute London, 15/10/2014
- Delegate: Oxford Futures Forum 2014, Saïd Business School, Oxford, 30-31/5/2014
- Speaker: “What lies beneath? Infrastructure fiction and utopian urbanism”, FutureEverything2014, Manchester, 31/3–1/4/2014 [video; starts at ~31m00s]
- Speaker: Methods For Thinking About The Future (workshop/conference), ARCC/EPSRC, B’ham University, 7/11/2013
- Speaker: “An Introduction to Infrastructure Fiction”, Improving Reality 2013, Lighthouse, Brighton; 5/9/2013 [video]
- Speaker: “Infrastructure fiction and cyborg anthropology”, #Stacktivism unconference, The Thought Menu, Lime Wharf, Hackney; 13/7/2013
- Facilitator/narrator: Fractal’13 (public-access design fiction conference), Medellín, Colombia; 17-18/5/2013
- Panellist: “The Future of Truth” at Write The Future, Royal Society, London; 1/5/2013