Academic publications

Refereed journal papers:

Chapters in edited volumes:

  • Raven, PG (in press) “Writing energy”, in The Routledge Handbook of Energy Humanities, G MacDonald, J Stewart (eds.)
  • Raven, PG (in press) “Rough guides and carbon ruins: narrative prototyping for reconfigured sociotechnical futurities”, in The Routledge Handbook of Energy Humanities, G MacDonald, J Stewart (eds.)
  • Raven, PG (in press), “A token effort? Reflections on the authoring of (science) fiction in an age of ‘artificial intelligence’”, in The Routledge Handbook of AI and Literature, W Slocombe & G Lively (eds.)
  • Raven, PG (2024) “The way out is through: co-produced critical utopia as an antidote to Anthropocenic academic melancholia”, in Post-Apocalyptic Cultures: New Political Imaginaries After the Collapse of Modernity, JM Urabayen Pérez & J León (eds.), Routledge
  • Raven, PG (2024) “Paradoxical containment: the double externalisation of packaging, and the overextension of the metasystemic prosthesis”, in Technologies of Containment: Holding, Filtering, Leaking, Z Sofoulis et al. (eds.), Meson Press
  • Raven PG & Nikoleris A (2023), “A museum of carbon ruins? Reflections on the ethics of memorialising decarbonisation”, in The 2051 Munich Climate Conference: Future Visions of Climate Change, Heisel B et al. (eds).
  • Raven, PG (2023), “The Magrathea Protocol: notes toward a narratology of futures“, in Futures Brought To Life: We Are No Futurists, U. of Applied Arts Vienna
  • Raven, PG (2022) “From TINA to TAMA: social futures and democratic dreaming in the ruins of capitalist realism”, in Being Human during Covid-19, P Martin, S de Saille (eds.), Bristol UP
  • Raven, PG (2022) “Bruce Sterling”, in Fifty Key Figures in Cyberpunk Culture, A McFarlane, GJ Murphy & L Schmeink, L (eds.), Routledge
  • Raven, PG (2021) “Policy without polity: the ‘smart city’”, in The Handbook of Social Futures, M Buscher, C Lopez Galviz, A Nordin, E Spiers (eds.)
  • Raven, PG (2021) “Experts in their own tomorrows: placemaking for participatory climate futures”, in The Routledge Handbook of Placemaking, C Courage et al. (eds.)
  • Raven PG (2016) “New Model Authors? Authority, Authordom, Anarchism and the Atomised Text in a Networked World” in Adam Roberts: Critical Essays, McFarlane A & Callow C (eds.) Gylphi, Kent, UK (longlisted for the BSFA Best Non-Fiction Award 2017)

Conference papers:

  • “The Museum of Carbon Ruins” (dramatic performance); Petrocultures 2022, 24-27 August 2022, Stavanger, Norway
  • “Utopias in the making: speculation as co-production, and a praxis of hope”; FinnCon2022 (academic track), 8-10 July 2022, University of Aalto, Finland
  • “Utopias in the making: sf(nal) speculation as co-production, and a praxis of hope”; SFRA2022, 27 June – 1 July 2022, University of Oslo, Norway
  • “Author[is]ing utopia: ongoing experiments with science fiction for social futures”; SpecFic2021, 1-3 December 2021, Karlstad University, Sweden
  • “Reefer madness: the double externalisation of packaging, and the overextension of the metasystemic prosthesis”; Container Technologies Workshop, 29-31 March 2021, Potsdam University, Germany (virtual workshop/conference)
  • “Ethnography (and/of) precarious urban futures: exploring urban precarity through co-productive and creative techniques of futuring”; Urban Europe, Precarious Futures?, 2 December 2020, Coventry University, UK (virtual conference)
  • Indistinguishable from magic? Extractivism, the infrastructural metasystem, and the obfuscation of consequences; Extraction: Tracing the Veins, 28 June – 10 July 2020, Political Ecology Research Centre, Massey University, New Zealand (virtual conference)
  • Acting your age: design fiction, Nordic LARP and the embodiment of critical utopia-as-method against the Capitalocene”; The Senses of Science Fiction: Visions, Sounds, Spaces, 5-7 December 2019, American Studies Centre, University of Warsaw, Poland
  • Jumping the shark: lessons from media fandoms regarding the coherence of climate imaginaries”; Scenarios and the Politics of the Future at the Climate-Security Nexus, 14-15 November 2019, Climate, Climatic Change and Society cluster (CLICCS), University of Hamburg
  • Climaginaries: putting the critical utopia to work”; Constructing the Future symposium, 30 October 2019, University of Huddersfield, UK
  • FOSSIL / The Museum of Carbon Ruins (an ongoing experiment in the anticipation of decarbonisation)” (a panel/performance/intervention), Anticipation 2019, 9-11 October, Oslo, Norway (w/ Stripple J, Nikoleris A, Versteeg W, MacDonald G)
  • “Metasystemics: towards an ontological theory of concrete infrastructure”; RGS-IGB Conference 2019, 27-30 August 2019, London, UK
  • “Toward the instrumentalisation of science fiction as a sandbox for social science”; Worlding SF, 6-8 December 2018, Graz, Austria (w/ Stripple, J)
  • “Ways of telling tomorrows:(science) fictions, social practices and the future(s) of infrastructure”; DEMAND Centre Conference 2016, Lancaster, UK
  • “Prototyping for (and with) publics: a role for (social) science fiction as policy sandbox”; Interpretive Policy Analysis 2015, Lille, France,
  • “The self-effacement of Cyborgaia: (re)narrating the illegible morphogenesis of metasystemic infrastructure”; Critical Geographies of Urban Infrastructure, UGRG/Bartlett School of Planning, UCL, 6-7/11/2014
  • “The rhetorics of futurity: scenarios, design fiction, prototypes, and other evaporated modalities of science fiction”, LonCon3 (World Science Fiction Convention – academic track), 14-18/8/2014
  • “Worlds that tell stories, stories that tell worlds: diegesis and mimesis in science fiction and technoscience”, Science in Public 2013, Nottingham, 22-23/7/2013 (w/ Machell J, Boxall J B)
  • “Thunder & Consolation: New Model Army as an ephemeral anarchist utopia”; New Genre Army (a conference on the work of Adam Roberts), Uni. Of Lincoln, 5/4/2013
  • “The future’s four quarters: strategic thinking with science fiction”, British Academy of Management Strategic Visions workshop, Euston, London, 6/2/2013