Creative, left-field approaches to futures, strategy, and foresight.
There’s still plenty of mileage in traditional reports and white-papers, but to think radically—and to make an impact on the world—you sometimes need to do something a little wilder. Here are some examples of projects Paul has been involved with:

A tourist guide to a decarbonised future city…
The Rough Planet Guide to Notterdam 2045 set out to explore what the decarbonisation of “hard to reach” industries might look like from a street-level perspective.
Tarot cards, remixed for the Information Age…
A collaboration with the mighty Superflux, the Instant Archetypes deck can be used as a conversation starter, a story engine, or even for old-school cartomancy!

Scenarios of housing precarity made personal…
The housing charity Shelter wanted to bring its scenarios to life. These flash fictions use relatable characters to show homelessness as something that affects people with names and feelings.
Explore more creative and critical foresight projects
From science fiction stories to classic research reports, you can look through some of Paul’s best work on this site.