Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow: Dept. of Political Science, Lund University, Sweden (Oct 2020–ongoing)
Project title: “The Rough Guide to Zero-Carbon Skåne: worldbuilding, placemaking and prototyping decarbonised lifestyles.” Watch this space!
(This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 895807.)
Senior researcher, various projects: Dept. of Political Science, Lund University, Sweden (Oct 2018–Sept 2020)
Many different roles across a number of different projects and initiatives (REINVENT Decarbonisation; Climaginaries; Narrating Climate Futures; STEPS). Dominant roles involved creative work on innovative research-communications methodologies and outputs, drawing on techniques from science fiction, critical design etc. Editor-in-chief of The Rough Planet Guide to Notterdam 2045.
Postdoctoral RA, Twenty65 Project: Dept. of Civ. & Struct. Eng., University of Sheffield (Nov 2017–Sep 2018)
Writing journal papers in which the trialectic model of sociotechnical change developed during my doctoral research is applied to domestic potable water consumption practices. Additional duties included drafting and editing of white papers, responses to calls-for-evidence and other non-academic writing within the project’s remit. (Also marking and assessment on undergrad papers from a infrastructure-focussed module for Urban Studies & Planning Dept.)
PhD candidate, University of Sheffield, Civil & Structural Eng. / Urban Studies & Planning (Oct 2013 – 2018)
Thesis title: Making Infrastructure Legible [link to e-version]
Synopsis: This thesis represents the development and pilot application of a novel methodology for the speculative qualitative assessment (or “prototyping”) of new infrastructural systems. Its core aim and guiding principle is to make infrastructure legible: to reveal and narrate its role in everyday life from a more human perspective than that of the paradigmatic technology-focussed approach. Or, more simply, the project aims to understand how infrastructures develop, how they evolve and entangle over time.
Research Assistant, University of Sheffield, Pennine Water Group (Oct 2011 – Oct 2013)
- 10/2011 → 9/2013: RA on “Transforming Utilities Conversion Points” [ESPRC: EP/J005649/1] (Data-mining and collation, agent-based-model interpretation, scenario development, foresight and horizon-scanning techniques.)
- 10/2011 → 4/2013: RA on “All-in-One” [ESPRC: EP/J005592/1] (Data-mining and collation, scenario development, vignette narrative development, visual, video and spoken presentation to colleagues and stakeholders, paper drafting and editing, synthesis.)